29 Apr

Book Review: The Miracle Morning

Our new read is The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. As a morning person I have always felt that this is my most productive time of the day. This book looks at how to leverage your morning time to work better for you. Hal has a story of how an accident in 1999 literally changed his life and how cancer years later impacted him again. He uses simple concepts that make sense and his ideas are very easy to follow.

Start your day earlier and focus on your purpose. He shares what works for him and we all might recognize some of the things that get in our own way. He has what he calls Life S.A.V.E.R.S. and outlines the 7 Minute Morning Miracle. This book didn’t necessarily present me with anything new but it certainly reaffirmed that a lot of strategies we share with clients can help. The concepts are solid and can be applied easily with quick results.

The author has created a series of books that build on his Miracle Morning premise. You will find a books for entrepreneurs, real estate agents, college students, parents and families and salespeople. Currently I am working on setting my intention each night before I go to bed. Setting yourself up for success really is a “win win” situation. Letting this guide your morning helps you in clarity of purpose. If we are working towards a positive outcome and wake up with this in mind, the focus to achieve is much easier. We know what our goal is and we have a plan to achieve it.

After reading this book, I feel that even greater success lies ahead with the integration of the Bullet Journal. One of my favourite bullet journal bloggers is Kara from Boho Berry and she has written her own review of this book.  In another article she puts the Miracle Morning into action and demonstrates how she has been applying it to her own life.  She shares some great bullet journal page ideas that anyone can tweak to fit there own bujo needs.

I would recommend this book for anyone looking to get a kickstart to their morning routine.

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